Generation Wealth Conference 2025
April 26, 2025
The Generation Wealth Conference aims to engage, encourage and progress the BIPOC community by providing education, tools and resources that transform health, wealth and well-being for generations.
“Their basic and relatable approach to financial education and their compassion and sincere concern for the financial well-being of their attendees is why I highly recommend the Generation Wealth Conference. The guidance I've received from this amazing speakers has gotten my credit score and bank account higher than ever! Give them a try, you'll be ecstatic about the results they'll get you.”
L. Barnhills
“For anyone looking for a safe space to learn and reflect on redefining wealth for themselves or family and then take action...this conference is for you! Whether you're just starting to learn about personal finance or you're an expert who wants to share your knowledge, this conference is designed to provide a safe space for learning, resource sharing, action-taking, and community building.”
C. Grant
“I thoroughly enjoyed the 2024 Generation Wealth Conference and had several takeaways. The speakers were dynamic and recommended valuable books geared at money management, but more importantly a money mindset. It was made clear that working on your core beliefs is key before making any significant life changes. I personally made a lot of positive changes that will impact my quality of life. I started to learn about investing when just over two years ago I didn't even see a clear way of getting out of credit card debt. Overall it all starts with changing your perspective and paradigms. Also surrounding yourself with like minded people to stay motivated."
S. Crawley
“The thing I like about the CLEC class is group learning which has helped me to make
some new friends here. Learning in the CLEC will help to find employment opportunities
in the future due to its modern-advanced technology.”

Junu Grunug
Student, Shree Prakash Jyoti Ma Vi, Manang
“In the CLEC room, we can work either individually or in groups. We can do group work
in CLEC which will be easier and we can learn from our friends also. Students will be
better off using computers. And if they don't understand something from the teachers,
they can come here and search on YouTube, Google, or Chat GPT and develop their

Gagan Budhathoki
Student, Shree Janahit High School, Mustang
“I am thinking how we can use it to take more benefit from it. We have 8 wards, 35
schools, a lot of women's groups, youth clubs and farmers groups. We are planning to
upgrade their skills and knowledge with the help of CLEC.”

Lok Prasad Banjara
Chairman, Bhimsenthapa Rural Municipality, Gorkha
“The importance of our culture and tradition is reducing due to modernization and we
should preserve it. We should teach moral studies to the students.
The CLEC approach helps students to work in collaboration. When they work in a group
the source of knowledge is more; the thing I might not know may be known by their
friends and they could also find it on Google.”

Ramchandra Lamichhane
Teacher, Shree Siddhakali High School, Gorkha
“When we research our subject in the CLEC class, we learn more than what the teachers
have taught us in class due to the internet and other technological facilities. I am happy to
use those facilities. If we want to know about something we go to the CLEC class and do
the research by ourselves.”

Sudip Lamichhane
Student, Shree Siddhakali High School, Gorkha
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